March 14

Christina's pick: "Seasons (Waiting on you)" by Future Islands 

Around two years ago Future Islands performed this song on Letterman, and literally broke the internet. The leader singer's dance moves/ general aesthetic were so wildly hilarious that I still just watch this video for kicks. It's a snowy day today and we're all sort of trapped in the office, and I sort of just want to blast this and get weird for a minute.  

also, Future Islands are great for car rides. That voice is addictive. For the actual album track, listen here

Loren's pick: "A Shot Rang Out", Emily Jane White

Mornings can be chaotic. A former "early bird", I now like to sleep in abit, but still maintain the aura of a chill day. I popped on my Sonos Folk FM station and this song cut through the noise. White is a song writer from Oakland, Cali and has a new album coming out this summer. Her voice is like a cup of second flush darjeeling. Clear, flavorful and smooth. The accompanying instruments are rich and resonant (in this song, but also all her tracks). Melancholy but also warming.